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Supporting 15,000+ change makers!
Change is Rest

Change is Rest

When we think about change, we often think about taking steps in the direction of something different. The idea of shifting anything in our lives often brings to mind active movement toward another state of being, doing or having.

But some of the most profound change that happens in our lives occurs without any action at all. 

A few years ago, my coach said something I will never forget as I was telling him all I was ‘doing’ in the midst of a pretty significant life change I was going through. He said, we often forget this, especially in challenging times that “change is rest.”

At first, I was taken aback because it felt so counterintuitive. I always viewed change as an active state. Putting more value in the “doing” and what I could see around me as evidence that I was moving in the right direction.

It made me stop and re-think how I viewed change and how it shows up in my life. Making me think more deeply about the value of in-action when those internal shifts are happening. 

Taking time out for reflection and allowing our mind to rest especially when things are beginning to swirl, not only helps us navigate change more effectively but also makes room for the progress that’s happening behind the scenes. 

So, when you think about creating what you want in life, never underestimate the value of those moments of letting go and surrendering to all that is seen and unseen.

It’s often in those moments of stillness that real transformation happens.