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Supporting 15,000+ change makers!
Self Managed Daily Wellness is the Key to Success

Self Managed Daily Wellness is the Key to Success

There is the traditional way of taking care of ourselves but for me self care is all about being aware of patterns that come up and adjusting our daily routine to support our mental health and wellbeing.

I break it down like this…

First we start with the foundation. Feeling your best every day. This is what fuels everything else in your life. The system I created in the Daybook is rooted in what I call - Self-Managed Daily Wellness. It’s about getting out of reactive mode and getting into the driver’s seat when it comes to feeling good every day.

As you start to move into the practice of journaling, you begin to see patterns that are either depleting or boosting your energy. This is how you can proactively adjust your thoughts, behaviors and daily rituals to support optimal wellness.

Once you create a formula to feel your best – then there is nothing stopping you. You soon have the energy to start looking at your life through a different lens and creating even more for yourself.

I see it like this. Once you take control over how you are feeling and become the manager of your own mental and physical wellness.. from there everything else flows. Feeling our best brings courage, curiosity and our belief in possibility to the surface and suddenly we just take off!

What I’m saying is,  it’s not just about spas and bubble baths!

There is a tendency for us to go for quick fixes when it comes to feeling better but we need to take a more proactive approach. So how do we do this?

I see self-managed wellness as having 3 components, awareness, energy and purposeful action.

Let’s break it down:

  1. Awareness (mind) – Recognize what is happening in your life. Take ownership of your health and be willing to self-reflect. Start journaling. Write it down so you can take a look at what you spend your time thinking about, who you are surrounding yourself with and what you are doing on a daily basis to boost your mood and energy. 

It’s all about taking those moments to reflect and recognize what is contributing to how you feel physically and mentally every day. Always remember, this understanding is not just helpful to know, it has a HUGE impact on how you ultimately view your life. We are a reflection of who and what we surround ourselves with. 

  1. Energy (body) Create and sustain emotional balance and energy - this is key to your success, period… full stop. Making those adjustments to your thoughts, behaviors and activities that are not serving you is critical to your wellbeing. In fact, you must clear out old energy to be able to bring in the new. 

This means letting old patterns die and ushering in a new way of viewing yourself and what you can create in your life. Noone can do this when you feel exhausted or resigned to something you feel you have no control over. 

Recognizing that you have control over EVERYTHING in your life is the real game changer and once you internalize this – you will soon realize that it’s now your time to show up and make it happen. 

Adjust your thinking, do the work and your energy levels will take off.  Surround yourself with positive people and see how that feeling of tiredness or depression or anxiety lift. It’s all the little things that add up to a huge difference in how you show up for yourself and others. 

  1. Purposeful Action (soul): Adjust your thoughts to create an environment that will set you up for success. ONLY surround yourself with those who contribute to your growth Not those who are driven by their own agenda.

Make that a non-negotiable. 

Your mental health is way too important to leave in the hands of those who are not operating at high energy levels themselves. 

When you make up your mind to take daily action to create your environment with success in mind – you simply can’t lose. 

So many of us are still stuck in thinking that life is happening TO us – and it is such a limiting belief. Until we fully internalize how much power we own, we will continue to repeat the same patterns that are keeping our energy low. 

Always remember, the power we have over how we feel every day and what we want to create in life will remain dormant and keep us stuck in low energy and limitation – until we finally realize that it’s within us and we have it to tap into at any time. 

So take what I’ve shared and try a little experiment. 

Decide how you want to feel today and make it happen. Adjust your thoughts and behavior to support nothing but that goal and watch what happens. 

You will soon start to realize how truly powerful you are.